Monday, November 16, 2009

Making a Difference in the Darkness

Boxes of UMCOR relief supplies are ready for shipping to bring hope to those most in need.
With a small pin light attached to my key chain, I finally found the emergency lantern on a table in the middle of the Depot. It was a routine work day at the new UMCOR West Office in Salt Lake City. However, when the rain came on quickly, accompanied by a strong wind, the electricity was suddenly gone and we all stood in complete darkness; things were anything but routine.

After regrouping, and with lantern in hand, we made our way through the darkness to the volunteer space to take any early lunch. I didn’t see him do it, but one of the volunteers placed the lantern in the middle of the warehouse while we ate. When I walked out into what I knew would be utter darkness, I couldn’t help notice that the one little lantern had shed a light on the entire 22,000 square foot warehouse! The scriptures came alive. I was reminded of the opening of John’s Gospel, “What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” - John 3b-5

That afternoon became a powerful reminder to me of the invaluable work that takes place here at UMCOR West and at UMCOR Sager Brown. With overwhelming generosity and countless hours of work, volunteers assemble and ready much needed relief supplies which are sent to people in need of light in the midst of the darkness of disaster. Be it a tsunami in Samoa or a typhoon in the Philippines, UMCOR is there to bring the light of Jesus.

As a people of faith, I am convinced that we have been given the wondrous responsibility to continue to spread Christ’s light into the world. With places like UMCOR West and UMCOR Sager Brown, the people of the United Methodist Church are making a difference in the darkness. May God continue to bless us and our calling!

by Brian Diggs, Director UMCOR West Office and Depot, Salt Lake City, Utah

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